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30 Day Meditation Challenge: How to build and sustain your daily practice 


Perfect for beginners or refresher course


Led by Eric Huffman Sensei

Group Session Video conference Format via Zoom


Dates: Thursdays May 14th, 21st, 28th, & June 4th 2020


Times: 7pm - Time is Central Standard Time

 you will have the option to join live or 24 hours to download class


10AM Class is full.  7PM class only is avaiable


Fee: $75 per person


Ever tried to meditate but you just can not seem to do it? 

Or enjoy meditation but have not been able to incorporate it into you daily life?  

Then the 30 day meditation course is perfect for you.  I have created an easy to follow, step by step guide to easily start and maintain a daily meditation practice.


In this 30 day meditation challenge you will learn:


  • The most important rule to follow to master your meditation

  • The number 1 mistake when starting a meditation practice and how to avoid it

  • Easy to follow meditation techniques designed for modern day people with busy lives

  • The number 1 excuse for not meditating and how to easily defeat it

  • Yogic breathing techniques to relax your body and prepare for meditation


Being calm, clear, and even minded is paramount when making smart discesions, especiallly while the world is in a panic. When you are calm and clear, it is easy to make the right choice and do what is best for you and those around you. When we are in a fear based panic mode, it is easy to do the opposite: make mistakes, stumble, and fall.

So to insure you make the right choice, learn how to reconnect with yourself, get centered, and stay calm and grounded. 

This course will provide you with all the necessary tools to begin a daily meditation practice and get calm and stay centered during daily challenges. So now is the perfect time to get back to your calm self. 

Go within and receive the clarity and gentle knowing that everything is going to be alright.


Included in this course is:

4 - Live One Hour Online Group Meditations via Video conference

Each live video conference includes a Q&A section, Guided Lecture, Guidance on meditation techniques, and live group meditation practice.

Meditation with an online group is very powerful in strengthening your own daily practice.

Guided Meditation MP3 and Meditation Music which you can use in your daily practice.

Q&A via email: In between the group class you have access to ask me any questions that relates to your meditation practice.

If you miss class it is all good.   All classes will be recorded and you can download them and watch when it is right for you.


This meditation is non-denominational and folks from all religions can join as the focus is Love for everyone.  So if you like love then you are welcome to join in!



For best results practice the meditation daily for 4 weeks during the 30 day course.

Must commit to meditating 4 days per week.

Beginners: 5 minutes daily on week 1, 7 minutes/day week 2, 10 minutes/day week 3, and 10-15 minutes/day week 4

Seasoned Practitioners: Week 1 - 10 minutes, week 2 - 10 minutes, week 3- 15 minutes, and week 4 -20 minutes



To register for this course, make payment online using bank or credit card: Click Here to register

Registration ends Wednesday May 13th at 11pm CST




"Eric is a gifted healer and his meditations are done from the heart. You feel immersed in peaceful energy as he guides you  playing sound bowls or other meditative sounds and come out feeling lighter, energized and completely at peace. I always look forward to his sessions and can’t wait for the next opportunity to experience his magic!"

- Raquel Baez CPC, Burst of Radiance Coaching


"With the increased anxiety due to the coronavirus it is essential that we dig deep into ourselves and realize all that is good in our world. With that in mind I recently did a remote meditation session with Eric which quickly brought me back into alignment with right thoughts. Eric provided breathing techniques which quickly quiet or balance the mind then he guides you through a guided meditation based on your individual needs. Much like his reflexology sessions, Eric is able to sense what you personally need to obtain balance and then leads your meditation to address those needs.  At the end of our session I could sense that I was in a much better place and felt relaxed and centered. I highly recommend this service to anyone who is looking for a unique meditative experience tailored to their own needs. I sense that with the unique situation in which we all currently find ourselves in, that participating in this type of exercise can make this time an enriching experience. I am extremely grateful to Eric for providing me with this 'gift'!   - Ramon Almote, USA


"Eric has completely shifted my life!! With this crisis going on meeting Eric has saved me. His meditations make me feel extremely protected. Our light is real. My brain feels clarity.  I've been consistently showing up to his meditations that it now feels so easy and simple to connect w/ my breath.  His essential oils, lip balm, sandalwood are essentials for life!! Eric I value your existence you are incredible. Thank you, Thank you!" - Leslie Mancera, USA



Deepen your practice

To deepen your practice and to answer any and all questions you may have, I highly recommend doing 1 or 2 Private Online Meditation Classes with me during this course.  This will greatly assist you to hone your meditation abilities and may deepen your awareness and understanding.  Private Meditation Sessions bring clarity to many aspects of meditation and can increase the speed of your development.


If you have any questions, please contact me at

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Healing Samurai LLC        Deep Heart Reflexology        4500 N Maplewood Ave. Unit 3, Chicago, IL 60625   773.895.4415

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